Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Violence in America

Could it be with the gratuitous violence of movies and video games, that our children are being programmed at an early age to be numb to violence?  

Perhaps the issue; What is the value of a human life? 

Is it nothing more than hitting the reset button and continuing on your gaming quest to murder as many people as possible?  Or perhaps it is at our local movie theater that shows torture and murder without consequence or conscience.

I do not see this as black and white.  Humans have always found a way to murder.  Whether it be Cain and Able or Newtown, whether it be with a gun or with bare hands; we kill. That is a cold harsh fact.

Our moral backbone is weak.  We are afraid to draw definitive lines as to what is right and wrong. We as a race have faltered because we make the relevance of morality to be irrelevant.

With fists clenched skyward we scream, GOD!! HOW CAN YOU LET THIS HAPPEN???  

We were given the will to choose between right and wrong.  We make the choice to do wrong, we make the choice to do right. Yet, when the lines between right and wrong and good & evil are constantly blurred...what do we expect??  If it is confusing with those of us who are allegedly of sound mind...what does it to to those who may not be?

We need a return to civility on all fronts.  In entertainment, music, the media and most of all directly, in person...to each other.